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1 min read

25 Tips to Consider on Your Journey with Cancer

Here at Cancer Support Community we know that being diagnosed with cancer is one of the most trying times in anyone’s life, which is why we make it our mission to help in any way that we can. We’ve been doing some research on ways to help you on your journey with cancer and stumbled upon this extremely helpful list of tips compiled by the UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center.

  1. Adopt a fighting spirit.
  2. It’s okay to discourage false cheerfulness and to share how you’re feeling.
  3. Seek support from your family and friends.
  4. As a member of your health care team, learn about your disease and ask questions.
  5. Be an active participant in your treatment and recovery efforts.
  6. Make positive changes in your lifestyle that will improve your outcomes, such as quitting smoking, incorporating exercise and getting good nutrition.
  7. Find something to laugh about each day. Good humor is healthy for the body and soul.
  8. For safety’s sake, when not feeling your best, ask for transportation assistance to your medical appointments.
  9. Participation in a support group can help you learn from others.
  10. Pay attention to how you are feeling and get plenty of rest, good nutrition, and take time for personal care.
  11. Find ways to express your feelings by speaking with a mental health provider or a cancer center social worker.
  12. Consider complementary therapies, such as massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, yoga to help relieve stress and other symptoms.
  13. Just be yourself and continue to do the things that you already enjoy doing.
  14. Continue your current sports activities as much as physically possible.
  15. Allow yourself private time apart from your family and friends to do nothing, or something important to you.
  16. If you are currently employed, continue to work if physically possible.
  17. Practice guided visualization and/or meditation.
  18. Nourish yourself spiritually through prayer or guidance from a religious leader.
  19. Listen to relaxing music that can bring about serenity.
  20. Read uplifting books.
  21. If you have a significant person in your life, keep the romance going by selecting romantic movies to watch.
  22. Take time for simple pleasures, such as a warm bath, a manicure or pedicure.
  23. Keep in mind that your memory function and energy level will fluctuate according to your treatment and medications. Let your caregiver know when you need help.
  24. Consider writing down your feelings in a journal.
  25. Keep a calendar and or log of activities and appointments to help stay organized.

To help you follow the advice of tip 6, take advantage of Cancer Support Community’s Cancer Smart Cooking program or join us at one of our many exercise programs. Don’t forget to call and register at 614-884-4673!

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