Support and Networking Groups
Over the last 25 years, there has been extensive research on the positive effects of support groups as a method to cope with cancer, improve quality of life and, in some studies, even increase survival.
Proven to Help
Research has shown that support groups help reduce the three most significant stressors associated with cancer.
Groups help reduce feelings of unwanted aloneness, loss of control, and loss of hope. In fact, research conducted at Cancer Support Community has shown that people who participate in face-to-face or online support groups report significant decreases in depression, increased zest for life, and a new attitude toward their illness.
Caregiver Support Group
This six-session group provides an opportunity for those actively supporting a loved one with cancer to meet, share experiences, and talk with others in similar situations who will understand what you are going through. The Caregiver Networking Group can help you tackle the everyday challenges you may face while supporting a loved one.
Bladder Cancer Support Group
This group is an opportunity to get support and network with others who have been diagnosed with bladder cancer. Whether you who are newly diagnosed or in survivorship, come and find help and hope.
Blood Cancer Support Group
This is a support and networking group for those who have been diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma, or those who are supporting a loved one who
has been diagnosed with a blood cancer. This group is in collaboration with the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.
Breast Cancer Networking Group
This group is an opportunity to get support and network with others who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. If you are newly diagnosed or are in survivorship, come and find help and hope. Support provided by Breast Cancer Fund of Ohio.
Metastatic Cancer Support Group
This group is for anyone who has been diagnosed with metastatic cancer and their support persons.. This type of progression with a cancer diagnosis can bring up a distinctive set of issues. Members are encouraged to share their experiences and gain strength and hope from each other.
Multiple Myeloma Networking Group
This is a networking group for those who have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma or those who love someone who has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Support was provided by Janssen and Takeda.
Ovarian Cancer Networking Group
This group is an opportunity to get support and network with others who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer or other gynecological cancers. Whether you are newly diagnosed or in survivorship, come and find help and hope.
Young Survival Coalition
Are you looking to connect with other young women diagnosed with breast cancer? Local YSC Face 2 Face networks (YSC F2F) offer support and networking groups for Young Women Affected by Breast Cancer (YWABC). YSC F2F networks are local grassroots groups that allow you and other YWABC in your community to connect!
20's & 30's with Cancer?
We offer a Facebook group
We have a private Facebook group that allows those in their 20s & 30s with cancer to interact with peers facing similar circumstances.
Join our group HERE.

Counseling Services
Individual counseling through Cancer Support Community Central Ohio offers participants one-on-one time with a mental health professional who has expertise in helping people express their thoughts, fears and emotions.
Couples or family counseling allows loved ones to sit down with a cancer counselor to talk about relationship or family issues related to the diagnosis and treatment. Please call 614.884.HOPE (4673) to schedule a time to meet with a counselor.

Individual Wellness Plans: CancerSupportSource®
Routine screening for social and emotional distress is a key component to patient-centered cancer care.
CancerSupportSourceTM is a comprehensive web-based, validated distress screening program that integrates bio-psycho-social distress screening, referral and follow-up care by a licensed mental health professional. It provides a personalized support care plan for patients, survivors, and loved ones, directing them to the most appropriate programs, services, and resources to meet individual needs. Screenings can be completed before or during a Newcomer Welcome: An Introduction to Cancer Support Community Central Ohio appointment. Please call 614.884.HOPE (4673) for details.
CancerSupportSource® is provided through generous grants from the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation, and The Harry C. Moores Foundation.
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