Our generous sponsors help Cancer Support Community provide essential programming at no cost to our participants.

Community Sponsors
Cancer Support Community Central Ohio is grateful for the community partners who help to underwrite and promote the programs and services that empower people affected by cancer. Thank you!
Interested in Sponsorship?

Official Media Partners
Cancer Support Community Central Ohio has an impressive list of media partners that promote our signature fundraising events and offer marketing products that support our cause.
Event Sponsors
Our wonderful event sponsors help make our Night of Chocolate and Charity Golf Classic fundraisers a success.
General Funding Supporters and Sponsors
While we offer our programs and services at no cost to people facing cancer, they are not without costs. Our generous individual, business, and foundation supporters are so important to our mission fulfillment.
Website and Photography Partners
Choose to Partner with Cancer Support Community Central Ohio
Sponsors enjoy a variety of promotional benefits in return for their generosity. These may include:
- Event tickets and foursomes in the Charity Golf Classic
- Logos featured in television commercials, on digital billboards and in print advertisements
- Recognition in our newsletter (over 10,000 copies per issue), email marketing (4,000 individuals) and social media
- Company displays at the Cancer Support Community Central Ohio facility
And much more!
If your company is interested in sponsoring one of our signature fundraising events or cancer survivorship program areas, please email Bev Soult, President and CEO, or call 614.884.HOPE (4673).
...So that no one faces cancer alone
Explore the complete Cancer Support Community Central Ohio calendar here.
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I am very grateful to the amazing work of the Cancer Support Community for providing me with confidence and knowledge. My advice: Take full help from [CSC] to become positive and maintain quality of life.
Cancer Survivor